A Mariña Rupestre
Apartado temático sobre "grabados en pedra", coviñas, cazoletas, pías,... na Mariña, descubertas e por descubrir.
Non se sabe cal puido ser o seu uso concreto. Lugares de "culto ancestral"? Lugares onde se facía algun tipo de labor artesanal?
Normalmente están en lugares altos e cercanos a correntes de auga (río, regueiros, fontes,...). Soen estar preto de castros (ou nos mesmos castros).
Se en google buscamos "stone cups marks", encontramos abundante información e imaxes, un exemplo:
Similar cup-marked stones have been discovered mostly mainly in Atlantic Europe (Northern England, Scotland,Ireland, Brittany, Portugal and, North West Spain and Mediterranean Europe (North West Italy, Thessalia Central Greece, Switzerland) although similar forms are also found throughout the world including Mexico, Brazil, Greece, and India where the oldest cup marks so far recorded are to be found in the Paeleolithic cave shelter site of Daraki-Chattan.
Read more: https://www.messagetoeagle.com/largest-collection-of-ancient-cup-marked-rocks-ever-found-in-scotland/#ixzz46VaXZLqs